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Credit scores even if known are not generally understood by the public. Unless the person is in a position where credit is a constant issue the thought of our credit doesn’t come up very often. We go about our lives and we pay our bills so that we keep the electricity on and the cable TV pumping programming at us every day. These are the reasons that most people have good or average credit. They are not thinking while paying the bill that they want to buy home in two years. They are thinking “Don’t let them turn off the water!”

Qazzoo realizes that regardless of the motivation for maintaining a good credit score the end result is the same and we are all better for it. The more people that want to keep their utilities and cable working the more people that we can sell a home to. The more people that we can sell a home to the stronger the real estate market is and the economy follows right behind that. The threat of losing the opportunity to watch Honey Boo Boo is good for the economy? Yep that is true and no matter how sad that may sound it is better than missing the opportunity to buy a home because some of us didn’t care enough about watching the little dumpling that may have saved the entire economy all by herself.



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